The Orange Tunnel store was created to provide a convenient shopping experience for our casual items. Enjoy our selection and remember the words of Rumi: "What you seek is seeking you."

  • About Us

    The Orange Tunnel brand was designed for those who have gone through an experience, good or bad, positive or negative, and emerged feeling more enlightened and stronger. The name is simple; we chose Orange because it represents enlightenment and Tunnel because it defines a passageway. Our esoteric logo, which stands for "Infragilis-Strong, Powerful, Unbreakable, and Strength.", reflects the attributes of the human spirit. For us, it's about representing a lifestyle that reflects one's individuality while connecting us all through our collective strength.

    INFRAGILIS = Angel Number 104 = Wisdom, Courage, Confidence, Loyalty, Dedication 

    I=      9  = The fulfillment of one cycle so that you can prepare to initiate the next one.

    N=    14 = A time of change or transformation.

    F=     6  = Love, charm, health, oneness, empathy, destiny, and kismet

    R=    18 = New beginnings and abundance

    A=    1   = Confidence, power, and action

    G=    7   = A quest for knowledge

    I=     9   = The fulfillment of one cycle so that you can prepare to initiate the next one.

    L=    12 = Completion, harmony, balance

    I=     9   = The fulfillment of one cycle so that you can prepare to initiate the next one.

    S=    19 = Faith, hope, and good luck